Central has started the Happiness Sale pan India with upto 51 percent off on over 500 brands. The one month sale is valid on apparels, handbags, footwear, watches, cosmetics and accessories that includes brands like Desi Belle, Biba, Rangmanch, Scullers, Aakruti, Honey, Gini & Jony, Lilliput, Arrow, Van Heusen, John Miller and Allen Solly.
Shoppersstop.com offers a truly remarkable shopping experience on the Internet. With an unparalleled assortment of the leading international and national brands in men’s, women’s and kids apparel; gifts and fashion accessories like ladies watches, men’s watches, artificial jewellery, fine jewellery, handbags, fragrances, cosmetics, men’s and women’s footwear, home furnishing and décor products, we are an online shopping destination of choice.
This mall near Peddamma temple is quite big an famous in this area. The mall provides a good place for decent shopping with lots of brands avaiable under clothing, electronic accessoris, shoes, appaarels etc. Large food court also has got many eatery brands
Woodland's parent company, Aero Group, has been a well known name in the outdoor shoe industry since the early 50s. Founded in Quebec, Canada, it entered the Indian market in 1992. Before that, Aero Group was majorly exporting its leather shoes to Russia. After the division of Russia into various states known as the USSR, the group decided to launch some of its products in India. Hence, the first hand-stitched leather shoe was launched, which took the entire shoe market by storm. That shoe made the brand 'Woodland'.